Monday, May 2, 2016

A Supreme Deity Versus Physics

Various theologians and other religious philosophers have over many, many centuries, given a list of what traits or properties a Supreme Deity or Maximally Greatest Being would have. Physicists refrain since the list in question makes little if any physical sense, as we're about to discover. Much of what follows stems from an on-line debate I had with my old 'friend' the "Accidental Meta-Physician". While I admire his all gun's blazing theological faith, his physics leaves a lot to be desired.
Author's Note: Rather than name names and thus include and exclude certain gods from various theologies, I'll just use an all-encompassing phrase "Supreme Deity" or "SD". Persons of differing faiths can substitute their own specific deity as they wish.
According to one well known modern religious theologian, William Lane Craig, the entity (i.e. - Supreme Deity) behind the creation of the Universe had to have been itself uncaused, beginning-less, changeless, eternal, timeless, space-less, an immaterial all-powerful being who is a personal agent, endowed with freedom of the will. Hopefully, by the time you've reached the conclusion of this essays, these characteristics will be viewed as total nonsense.
"Things", like a Supreme Deity (SD), would have certain properties. Things with certain properties have structure and substance. Things with structure and substance are physical things. Physical things can have an effect on other physical things. Non-physical things, like Wednesday, have no structure and substance. The concept of Wednesday cannot have any physical effect on say a billiard ball. A billiard ball cannot have any effect on the concept of Wednesday. So, non-physical things (concepts) cannot affect physical things, and vice-versa. Since a SD, being, according to some theologies, a non-physical entity (a concept with no structure and substance), cannot therefore have any effect on or create or destroy physical things. However, non-physical concepts can have an effect on other non-physical concepts. The concept of a SD might give some the concept to be a more moral person, but that is not imposed on anyone by a non-physical SD but rather that morality comes from within. A physical deity of course could tell you to be moral or else physical consequences will follow.
If the Universe was say composed of a total of 1000 atoms, then any Supreme Deity (SD) who created the Universe couldn't be composed of any atoms otherwise the sum total of atoms in the Universe would add up to more than 1000. Thus any SD, any supernatural creator, must be non-physical according to some theists. Unlike theists, I say that the non-physical cannot create the physical. Not even a SD can create something from nothing, especially if that Supreme Deity was also non-physical.
Once upon a time there was this Supreme Deity, who was non-physical, who was eternal but not infinite. For some unknown and unexplained reason(s), He / She / It decided* somewhere on down the track, to create a physical universe, complete with life and just everything. How do you do that if you have nothing physical to work with? Even if this SD were physical in and of itself, it wouldn't have any raw materials from which to work on or with. So, here's a variation on some standard cosmology. The SD - a physical SD - literally went all to pieces, came apart at the seams, and scattered Himself / Herself / Itself into the void and became as one with the Universe. The SD is the Universe and goes by the name of Mother Nature!
*How you can decide anything if you are non-physical and lack any neurological infrastructure or system is quite beyond me.
So here we have this omnipotent entity, this Supreme Deity (SD), who is non-physical, who has existed for all eternity (but not infinitely so which seems a contradiction to me but apparently not to religious theologians), and in a timeless state to boot. Then for some totally unexplained reason this entity crossed over the Rubicon into time by creating a physical cosmos, but not an infinite cosmos; created it out of absolutely nothing for no apparently good reason other than "what the heck; why not; I'm bored" (my quotes). Do you, the reader, have any comprehension of how utterly ridiculous that sounds? If you came across that scenario or concept for the very first time in a novel, you'd be right to question the author's sanity or their drug use.
Timelessness is a ridiculous impossibility since that would require an operating temperature of absolute zero (negating any possible change, therefore motion taking place, therefore making the concept of time meaningless). A state of absolute zero is not actually achievable. If you have even the smallest amount of change, therefore motion, you have time. I wish those advocating pockets of timelessness might, using their powers of philosophical deduction, point out a place(s) in the Cosmos that currently exist(s) in a state of timelessness.
The transition from a state of timelessness to a state of time by anyone is impossible since a change (a mental thought, electrons in motion at the minimum is required) would of had to have occurred while still in a timeless state which cannot be. You have to think of going from your timeless state into a state of time before you actually do it.
Further, it's an impossibility to create an absolute something from an absolute nothing, especially if you are non-physical to begin with.
An actual non-physical thing is nonsense. A "thing" here is an actual something with substance and structure. Non-physical 'things' are just mental concepts without associated substance and structure. One can imagine a Santa Claus of course, but that Santa is non-physical. That non-physical Santa cannot make a transition from that mental state of non-physicality 'reality' into a physical reality. That equally applies to the mental concept of a non-physical Maximally Great Being. As in the case of Santa, just because you can imagine it doesn't of necessity make it so in a physical reality.
So why can't those of the faith, various theologians, produce their invisible 'friend', their Supreme Deity's body, for all to admire? Oh, of course, how silly of me - their invisible 'friend' is of course non-physical so nobody could see, hear, touch, taste or smell Him / She / It - How very, very convenient when asked to produce the goods.
And therein lies the central problem. Theologians can't do a "show and tell" and give us the SD's body to gawk at. Religious theologians can't give us the physical mechanism or even the theoretical equations that make the something from nothing mechanisms real mechanisms. Then some theologians toss around meaningless and nonsense terms like existence in a state of timelessness or existence in non-space, and then they expect people to take them seriously on just their say-so.
If their waffle were as convincing as they seem to think it is, well the whole world would be their oyster now, wouldn't it?
I've thus far briefly hinted at the concepts of non-physicality; the creation of something from nothing; and existence outside of time and space. I'll now examine these in greater detail.
Any Supreme Deity (SD) is most certainly is a physical object. Firstly, according to various religious theologians, He / She / It crossed over from a timeless state of 'reality' into a reality state where time (thus change through motion) exists. If you are in a physical reality and you change or cause change in that physical reality, you in turn must be physical. Anyway, the evidence that a SD (assuming a SD of course which I don't) is physical is found in the Old and New Testaments and similar religious texts. A SD exists at specific times in specific places and does specific physical things. He / She / It speaks. You cannot speak if you are not physical! In the Old Testament, for example, a SD controls the weather and drowns lots of animals and people. A non-physical being cannot cause physical rain for 40 seconds, minutes or days. This SD transports Himself / Herself / Itself from place to place via a cloud. A cloud is a physical thing! This specific SD has a throne in Heaven. What need of a throne if you aren't physical? The Old Testament in particular is full of a SD's actions, interactions and reactions. I'm sure if you could go back in time and chin-wag with Moses (assuming Moses actually existed of course), he'd tell you that his encounter with a SD had physical reality. This Supreme Deity was a physical something with structure and substance.
I've argued long and loud elsewhere that a Supreme Deity (SD), if there be a SD as described in the Old Testament (and similar texts), must be physical on the grounds that creation of physical things (the Earth, seas, animals, humans, etc.) as related in Genesis requires a physical creator. Non-physical auto workers can't construct a physical automobile!
So I'm here to debate the physical existence of one possible SD known by lots of different names to lots of different people, not the metaphysical non-physical existence of a SD or the SD in Alice's Wonderland SD, or the SD from Never-Never-Land, etc. I want evidence - no, make that proof - for a physical SD that could get into the boxing ring with the current heavyweight champ and punch his lights out. That kind of a physical SD!
The current heavyweight champ has nothing to fear from a non-physical SD in the boxing ring since a non-physical SD couldn't lay a non-physical glove on him (or her - thou shall not be sexist)!
I continue to note that religious theologians STILL aren't answering the eternal question of how their non-physical* Supreme Deity (SD) created something from nothing. They can't worm their way out of this. They can't just avoid the issue and procrastinate indefinitely by not answering. Attention all religious theologians: Either please explain or just fess up and admit you haven't a clue. The more you delay the worse you and your thesis look.
* Even Casper the Friendly Ghost has way more substance and structure than any theologians' SD, since their SD is non-physical and all that nonsense. I mean how could their SD even see anything if He / She / It is non-physical? It's the same paradox that faced "The Invisible Man". Light photons would pass straight through and never register. So both "The Invisible Man" and any non-physical SD are blind! Ghosts on the other hand are physical. If you can see them and hear them and touch them and they have some physical impact on their immediate environment, they have some degree of substance with structure.
Being non-physical isn't the same thing as being non-green. Something non-green is still a physical something. Something non-physical isn't a physical something. A red billiard ball can interact with a green billiard ball. A non-physical thing cannot interact with physical billiard balls of any colour.
Philosophers give us loads of theoretical philosophical waffle. Meta-physicians give us loads of theoretical metaphysical waffle. Religious theologians give us loads of theoretical theological waffle. A prime example is that something (the Universe) was created out of nothing (by a Supreme Deity). They go further when they collectively say that there is necessarily physical evidence for a Supreme Deity (SD) because the Universe had a beginning, although they often qualify that necessity by use of the phrase "metaphysical necessity" not physical necessity. Regardless, even though there is evidence the Universe had a beginning, it's just theoretical waffle that this beginning is also evidence for a SD.
Okay, fine, the physical Universe came into existence, but philosophers, meta-physicians and religious theologians weren't there to witness that event so they therefore haven't ever seen the creation of something-from-nothing; they have never personally witnessed the non-physical or the immaterial interact with the physical or with the material. To be blunt about it, they're guessing. My guess in turn is that if they went back to that coming into existence of the physical Universe, they'd find that that physical existence originated from a previous physical existence. In other words, there was a before the Big Bang and that "before" had physicality.
The one thing theists have NOT given us, NEVER given us, EVER given us, is actual physical evidence to back up their theoretical waffle that a SD created the Universe out of nothing. They don't know that since there could have been a before-the-Big-Bang and a before that and a before that. To repeat, they weren't there at that imagined something-from-nothing beginning. Their something-from-nothing beginning is a theoretical philosophical / metaphysical / theological beginning that they have adopted as 'fact' because it suits their philosophy / metaphysics / theology. I ask them to prove to us that something non-physical can create something physical via an actual demonstration. Just do it. Make it so. They have always just talked-the-talk. Now I request them to kindly walk-the-walk and produce their physical evidence, not only that a Supreme Deity actually physically exists but that He / She / It can physically create something (i.e. - our Universe) from absolutely nothing. Their credibility is on the line when it comes to convincing their intended audience, including of course me, that their philosophical / metaphysical / theological worldview is correct. Of course they can't do it since millions before them have tried and failed to be universally convincing. Atheists aren't dumb. If you produce the physical evidence they will be forced to agree with you. Now I ask theists to produce it.
To conclude this little segment, they have NOT answered the questions. They have stated that a non-physical being, a SD, can create something-from-nothing; many have stated this is so, but they have not explained how it was done or how it could be done. Give us the recipe. Give us the physics of it that one could then place in a new and improved revised standard physics textbook for undergraduates and graduate students. What are the equations? If the proponents of a something-from-nothing philosophy / metaphysics / theology can demonstrate this, they should do so and earn their Nobel Prize and get their picture on the front cover of "Time Magazine".
Some suggest that a Supreme Deity (SD) just 'exists' outside of space. Any SD 'exists' outside of our Universe or outside of the Cosmos itself, which has just got to be one of the silliest statements I've ever read since the Cosmos is all that ever was, is, or will be. As per above, Moses would beg to differ given his close encounter in existing space with his SD.
Even non-physical beings*, the concept of non-physical beings like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and even a Supreme Deity reside inside the mind; a mental space that resides inside a physical space. Any Supreme Deity of your acquaintance, one more likely as not rammed down your throat like so much propaganda while you were still too young to resist and to question and to know better, just resides inside your mind which resides inside your brain which is inside your skull which is inside... Well you get the point.
Children tend to believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.
Adults tend to believe in a non-physical SD who can create something from nothing.
In weighing up the evidence for both beliefs, the children have a far stronger case. While I've never ever seen a Supreme Deity, I have seen at least one Santa Claus (actually hundreds of them over the years at shopping malls, department stores and standing on street corners); one Tooth Fairy (who originated from Hollywood-land) and one Easter Bunny (spotted annually on the White House lawn).
If a mature-aged adult of average intelligence (or greater) still seriously believed in Santa Claus, and/or the Tooth Fairy and/or the Easter Bunny you'd call into question their intellectual faculties. Yet if that exact same person professed belief in a Supreme Deity for which no court-of-law evidence exists and which nobody has seen in living memory, well, that's rational and obviously the person has a sound intellectual faculty. They might quote religious texts as evidence, but the assertion that a Supreme Deity penned or was somehow totally responsible for their representation in some holy text cuts no reality with respect to the reality of that Supreme Deity. Using that logic, James Bond (Ian Fleming); Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling); Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle) and Charlie Brown (Charles M. Schulz) all really exist since books about them exist and their authors exist!
*An actual being, or an actual person, as opposed to the mental concept of a being or a person, has to be physical. The concept of a POTUS (President of the United States) is mental and that POTUS concept is non-physical but nevertheless POTUS resides inside minds which reside inside physical space. The actual POTUS at any one time of course isn't non-physical but has structure and substance, is composed of flesh-and-blood and resides inside physical space, usually the White House.
Back to those non-physical beings that are not located in space. So any Supreme Deity (SD) now exists in time (since He / She / It created change through motion requiring actual stuff) but not in space? So can theologians identify exactly 'where' we can find some of this non-space? I assume any SD is the sole resident? If so, where do other minor deities like Jesus live? And where do the angels live? And where do all of those SD-worthy humans who have departed this mortal coil live? Isn't this all really just a pot-full of pseudo-theology?
Okay, one further comment, regardless of His / Her / Its existence in a timeless state, or His / Her / Its existence in this state of time, what the heck does He / She / It actually do? If He / She / It had no beginning while He / She / It existed in a timeless state, well that's a heck of a long time to do - well, what? Our hypothetical Supreme Deity either had to have been bored out of His / Her / Its timeless mind and/or been the greatest party-poop of all time. It would seem the sum total of His / Her/ Its CV is creating the Cosmos in just a tiny interval of His / Her / Its existence. I mean if you live for 100 years and the sum total of your accomplishments in that time is making one breakfast, well that doesn't strike me as being something to brag about!
Often religious theologians undermine their own faith by the use of the word "If". "If time had a beginning" and if time "was caused to exist" then only a timeless state could have created that beginning and that cause. Well, here's my "If" rebuttal. If time did NOT have a beginning, and if it was NOT caused to exist, then there does NOT have to be a timeless state or a timeless entity. Theologians are not getting that through their head! Actually since time is change and change is motion and motion requires a state of matter/energy, we're just back to that golden oldie about creating something-from-nothing versus creating something-from-something. Sigh!
OK, if a Supreme Deity (SD) was changeless, frozen in a state of suspended animation, doing nothing, thinking about nothing while in that timeless state then He / She / It could NOT have come up with an idea to cross the Rubicon and create time and a physical Cosmos, whether it be out of pre-existing stuff or out of nothingness. The very idea to do such a thing had to have existed while in that timeless state and that's a contradiction. If you have an idea that implies that there was a time before that when you didn't have that idea, but the transition of "didn't have" to "have" requires a change and change cannot happen in a timeless state.
OK, never mind about what a SD did do or didn't do or could do or couldn't do while in a timeless state, what's our Supreme Deity done post creation? Now that the SD has created the Cosmos and crossed the Rubicon into time and is now stuck here in time (not all that omnipotent now is He / She / It), what is He / She / It going to do for an encore? Or perhaps He / She / It has just packed it up and gone off to Florida to retire and just do a bit of fishing.
In conclusion to this section, IMHO the concept of timelessness or timeless as religious theologians use it is utter claptrap. There is no truism to be had. Show me a state of timelessness. Yet again I need point out that religious theologians can't walk-the-walk but they sure can talk-the-talk. It's all philosophical / metaphysical / theological waffle like arguing angels and pinheads.
A cause cannot cause itself so there must be an infinite regress of causes and thus no First Cause. Thus the Cosmos is temporally infinite or consists of a causal loop and thus is also temporally infinite.
Since you can't create something-from-nothing that implies that something has always existed and thus also implies and thus reinforces the concept of an infinite Cosmos.
Religious theologians or theists are unhappy with this state of affairs since it leaves no room for creation by a supernatural mechanism (i.e. - a Supreme Deity (SD) for all practical purposes). On the other hand, their SD has to be eternal if for no other reason than to avoid awkward questions like therefore who (or what) created that SD? But if the temporally infinite SD created our finite in time Universe then it would of had to have been an infinite time ago which of course is not what we observe since only an additional 13.8 billion years have elapsed since the beginning (deliberate creation?) of our Universe. The Cosmos (of which our Universe is but a part) is of course infinitely old, not just 13.8 billion years old.
Before you can go assigning attributes, properties, traits, whatever to your Supreme Deity or Deities, you first have to prove that your Supreme Deity or Deities actually exist and that all other versions of a Supreme Deity or Deities are false. Good luck with that Labour of Hercules! I mean that I can't talk about the properties of mermaids, unicorns, and leprechauns until I can demonstrate that any one or all of these entities actually exist! It's body first, then description of the body. It makes relatively little sense to say that a Supreme Deity (SD) is omni this and omni that and omni the next thing only to have Athena come down off of Mount Olympus and punch your lights out for blasphemy by believing in, worshipping, and attributing traits to a false monotheistic god. Never-the-less, that's what most religious theologians or theists have done by believing in, worshipping, and attributing traits to a body-less SD.
Theists say that the SD is uncaused, beginning-less, or eternal.
I suggest that an infinitely old being who would after an infinite amount of time had elapsed, all of a sudden get this idea of creating life, the Universe and absolutely everything is ridiculous. At least this gets around the concept of who or what created the SD which is in itself an infinite regression as in what created the creator of the SD and so on.
Theists say that the SD is changeless, or timeless.
I suggest that if you are in a timeless state and thus in a changeless state then you can't initiate any action like an actual creation, since the very process of pre-initiation to initiation to post initiation is change which must by definition take place in time.
Theists say that the SD is space-less.
I suggest that this means that either the SD exists outside of space (and to exist implies existing inside of something - like space) or else the SD isn't comprised of any space and thus is non-material or non-physical (i.e. - nothing) and thus can't create anything material or physical (i.e. - something). Either way, the concept of a SD being space-less is nonsense.
Theists say that the SD is an immaterial all-powerful being who is a personal agent, endowed with freedom of the will.
I suggest that the SD isn't all-powerful (omnipotent). Can a SD throw a ball so fast that not even He / She / It can overtake it? If not, He / She / It is not all powerful; if so He / She / It is not all powerful. It's a no-win situation. More relevant might be an observation, since our SD must be physical IMHO in order to create physical stuff, then our SD must be presumably subject to the laws of the Universe. So could our SD ever escape from inside a cosmic Black Hole or travel faster than the speed of light or create a square circle or violate the axioms of Euclidean Geometry? Does our SD have freedom of the will? Again, if our SD is in a timeless state then He / She / It has no freedom to act or to change and thus no freedom of any will since will implies the ability to act or to change.
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Secrets of Academic Success: Passion

Chinua Achebe started school at St Philips Central School, Apkakaogwe Ogidi in 1936. He was asked to proceed to the religious class where pupils engaged in singing and sometimes dancing of the catechism, chanting of English rhymes, and general entertainment. After he had spent a week in the religious class, his teacher, Rev. Nelson Ezekwesili sent him to the higher infant school because the child exhibited signs of intelligence. Achebe became the finest English reader and during dictations lessons, he would normally get excellent marks. He possessed the best handwriting in the class and performed well in recitations, especially when reciting either poem or essay on stage. In these years, his academic work in primary school was consistently excellent.
In late 1942, Chinua Achebe proceeded to Nekede Central School because his elder brother John took Chinua to stay with him in Nekede, Owerri. Before his departure, the headmaster of St Phillips Central School opposed Achebe's exit from his school. He objected because Achebe was the kind of student who made him proud of the school.
In 1944, Achebe was admitted into Government College, Umuahia. About 3,000 boys usually applied for the 30 places available. And all the candidates sat for the entrance examination at centres throughout Nigeria and Western Cameroon. Only the best candidates are admitted.
It was not long before William Simpson, the school headmaster singled out Chinua Achebe as one of the most promising students. Achebe was promoted from Class One to Class Two in his first year at Government College, Umuahia. That same year he was awarded a scholarship because of his learning and character. Achebe wrote the best English in his class and was the editor of the school magazine. He won a poetry prize because his brilliant academic performance was unthinkable. The final examination taken by Achebe's class at Government College became the apex of his outstanding secondary school career. His results were impressive. 'As' In History, Physics/Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Bible Knowledge, and Mathematics; high 'Cs' In English Language and English Literature.
Achebe wrote an examination for entry into the new University College, Ibadan. In those days, the fashionable courses at the university were engineering and medicine and John Achebe, his official guardian and sponsor, took the decision that Chinua was to study medicine. Achebe accepted his elder brother's decision and was admitted as one of the recipients of a major scholarship to study medicine.
Achebe's first-year academic work in the university was not commendable. He could not handle the rigorous demands of the department of medicine. The workload was intense, and it became clear to him in that first-year that the grinding work in physics and ultimately in medicine necessitated a different interest unlike the one he had brought from secondary school. For the first time in life, Achebe passed without performing very well. It became very obvious that he would never do well as a medical student. At this point, he lost interest in science and medicine.
Achebe now took a decisive decision for the first time concerning his career and academic interest. He went to the Dean of Science towards the end of that first year and informed him of his intention to change his course of study. His interest was now in Arts. Fortunately, he was accepted into the faculty of Arts. Unfortunately, he lost his scholarship, since the basis on which it had been granted no longer existed. Losing his scholarship was a great setback but he was determined to pursue his passion.
Achebe became a member of the Faculty of Arts and selected English, Geography and History as his subjects. Thus, his studies at the University College, Ibadan, commenced in earnest in the faculty of Arts. Achebe soon became one of the best in his faculty.
He was scoring alphas in most of his subjects. By 1950, Chinua Achebe settled down sufficiently as a student in the Faculty of Arts to express himself as a writer. He began to write many essays and stories which Includes; 'Polar Undergraduate', 'In A Village Church', ' The Old Order In Conflict With New Year', ' Mr. Okafor Versus Arts Students', ' Dead Man's Path' and so on. It was in this faculty that some of the seeds of creative and critical work were planted in Chinua Achebe.
His book 'Things Fall Apart' published on 17 June 1958 went on to become one of the most important books in African literature. Selling over 8 million copies around the world, it was translated into 50 languages, making Achebe the most translated African writer of all time.
Fondly called the "grandfather of Nigerian Literature, Achebe is a recipient of over 30 honorary degrees from universities in England, Scotland, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria and the United States, including Dartmouth College, Harvard and Brown University.
Put a lizard in a river it will struggle to survive. A fish will not survive for a long time on land. The Creator of all things has designed every man for a particular discipline. Put differently, we were created to solve a specific problem or to satisfy a particular need. The problem you are programmed to solve is not the problem I am fashioned to solve because God has put in us all we need to solve our assigned problems. Therefore, you cannot solve my own problem, and I cannot solve yours. Our brains are designed to fit the problem we are destined to solve. Bill Gate is known for Software, Michael Faraday for electricity, Wright Brothers for aeroplane, Henry Ford for motor vehicle, Tiger Wood for golf, Chinua Achebe for writing and so on.
Therefore, everybody must not be a doctor, lawyer, or an engineer because these are not the only problem we have on earth. It is unreasonable to choose to become a solicitor because your father or uncle is successful in the legal field, or because you like the legal profession. A father told his son that he must be a solicitor because the former has spent a fortune paying lawyers for loads of court cases he had.
Nobody should force you to study any course you don't have an interest in. People are not following their passion because they want to pursue name and money. That is why there are quack building engineers, killing thousands every year because their buildings are not solid. We have doctors who carelessly kill their patients because they are not called into the medical profession. We see lawyers sending innocent clients to prison because their brains are not tailored to suit the discipline. Your wealth and fame is in your purpose.
I hear some student say: "I am studying a professional course." We have been deceived that there are specific courses that are professional. There is no professional course or major course anywhere. The day you become very skilful in your area you have become a professional and made you field a professional field. Every field is a professional one. Anything you are a master in is your profession; therefore, any occupation can be professional field.
That is why we have professional footballers. Football is a professional career. Therefore, shoemaking is a professional course, a horticulturist is professional, and sport is a professional field. You must not be a doctor, engineer or solicitor to be a professional; every field is a professional one.
The day you know your purpose or area of interest is the day your study commences in earnest, that is the day you become a student. Until you have passion for a course not ambition, you will never be successful. Nobody should force you to study any course that you don't have an interest in. Pursue your passion and possess your vision.
Neglect your passion and suffer malfunction. If you locate your area of interest, you will become a master overnight. Allowing somebody to choose a field for you is suicidal; you can seek counsel from professionals. Learning becomes cheap and interesting when you are in your place of interest. Ben Carson said "If we recognize our talents and use them appropriately, and choose a field that uses those talents, we will rise to the top of our field."
How can I know my area of interest?
Ask God: It is the producer that knows the functions and capacity of His product.
Read wide: There are some fields or courses of study you don't know. Read biographies, autobiographies, professional journals, in fact, read every good book or publication.
Know your passion: There is something you do with joy, without stress and without payment.
Seek advice from a professional or an experienced person.
Be original: Don't wish to be like anybody. You are unique; there can never be another you. You can have a mentor in your field when you have located the field but be yourself.
Resist every pressure from any angle to force you into any area you have no interest in, because it is only you that will suffer or regret later.
Take every subject in school seriously. You may not know the area you have passion for.
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Great Application Essays - The Best Ideas Tell a Story

It's just human nature that people like stories. Anyone can string together a pile of platitudes and adjectives to tell you outright what they think about themselves. But how boring, common, and uninspiring that would be! You want to leave your reader with a better understanding of who you are as a person and how you see and interact with the world.
All great managers know that behavior matter more than traits. Therefore, it is useless to try and describe yourself with words like "hard working," "passionate," "great personality," and so on. Meanwhile, the best writers know that great writing does not involve telling someone the point of the writing, but presenting the story in a compelling way so that the reader arrives at the message themselves. Image how boring poetry or satire would be if they just told you what the point of the work is. Therefore, focus on creativity and self expression. If you have a creative idea (and you should if you've followed this guide and lived an interesting life up to this point) and write your essay well, this positive opinion about you will take care of itself.
Example - One student who rode his bike from San Diego to Stanford and wrote his essay on his experiences during the bike trip. Another person wrote page 83 of his future biography. My friend wrote about how the tv show Seinfeld changed his life and reflected certain aspects of his personality. As you can see, there are a number of creative ways to go about writing your essay, so start thinking early and decide on something that admissions officers will remember.
* Story of a life changing experience - You should have had at least one instance in your life that you know changed you fundamentally. If you've followed this guide and actively sought new experiences, better yourself, and challenge your comfort zones, this should come easy. Make it powerful, include dialogue, and mention specific things about you that this experience affected.
* A meaningful conversation - Writing your essay in the form of a conversation and use it to tell an important story about you.
* Choose a strange pretense - One surefire way to capture a reader's interest is to write about something relevant to you in a wacky format. For example, you could write your essay in the format of a random page of your eventual biography and start your essay with only part of a word that is implied to be continued from the previous page. Just be careful if you decide to go this route; a unique format is nice, but execution is far more important. Don't think that a good gimmick will make up for lack of substance or poor writing.
Of course, all of this assumes you choose the open ended topic. If you end up writing to a predetermined topic since schools that don't take the Common App have their own questions, simply use the same general rules. Don't write about things that you did in an expository way. Instead, try to tell a story and make entertaining, memorable, and honest.
If you don't feel comfortable with your writing skills, then spend the summer before your senior year (or earlier if possible). working on it. The best way to improve your writing is to do more reading so you can see how others write. Given the nature of your application essay, the best type of reading to do would be humour, satire, and storytelling related books. Check the appendix for a list of books that we consider must reads both in terms of what you can learn about writing and in their ability to impact your life and outlook. It can very well be the case that you learn more about life from these books than anything taught in your classes in high school.
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History Makers - Whether It's Accepted Or Not

EACH of us is writing our own history book, a day per page. Whether we write truth or a lie today, history will record our stories faithfully. Do we want to be known as persons of integrity or charlatans? We make that choice each and every day by the decisions we make in our relationships. Nobody gets to write their version of history.
Such truth makes us account for our day, our actions, our carefree words, and our silly deeds of indifference and laxity.
Negligence has a lot to answer for. So does pride. Too many moments in too many days we fall for Satan's lie that life is unimportant; that we can get away with blue murder as if nobody's looking.
Well, the universe looks on. Sort of like a cosmic version of Big Brother, we can imagine the starry host knowing the intimacy of our word and deed if God knows the grains of the sand he put into their place.
We get away with nothing.
We are writing the page of our day even as we contemplate how to get into something or get out of another thing. Our human condition is reprehensible, yet we have the ability to rise out of our slumber.
The page that is written is history, and yes, tomorrow's a mystery, just as much as the present is. We inform that mystery quite persuasively. We are not without influence. Indeed, as we decide how we will use the moment before us, not only are we writing it as we go, we are also making our day a living hell or a joy replete with bliss. It's up to us and nobody else.
Who in their right mind allows the pages of history to write them as a greedy narcissist? The one who does not believe they will be called to account. How does a person with an integrity problem sleep at night? They don't really believe in the nature of history - what is true in secret will become true before God one day.
We cannot hide and we are foolish if we think we can.
Yet some still take the risk.
We really do have the opportunity today to make the difference only we can, today. We are history makers. We are writing the page in live-time. We are on God's time and we are supervised. It's wise to imagine everything we do is seen.
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Essay Proofreading Software - Easily Proofread Your Writing!

Essay Proofreading Software can make life easier mostly for those who spend much of their time writing emails, articles and other digital documents. The use of advanced word processing and language processing electronic solutions is constantly increasing the past few years. Want to know more about improving your English writing? Read the following article.
Some basics
Essay Proofreading Software is an advanced technology that not only corrects your English writing for any errors, but helps you on improving your writing skills. Advanced English proofreading programs rely on smart algorithms and ever-growing databases. It works in three steps: Analysis, comparison, and correction. While examining this technology we can see that most of these solutions enable the following: proofreading content for correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
What are the main benefits?
NLP technology undoubtedly transforms English writing easier and more efficient:
* Saving on proofreading and editing costs such as hiring proofreading services or professional editors.
* Improving our word choices with synonyms, adjectives, and adverbs suited to our text.
* Helping people who use writing as their main working tool, whether at home or in the office.
There are probably many other benefits that aren't described in this article, as this technology keeps improving, bringing us fresh solutions that help us on improving our Writing performance.
Quick summary
Essay Proofreading Software not only improves our writing, but helps us to better express our thoughts and ideas. Advanced NLP (Natural Language Processing) saves us precious time that we usually spend on proofreading and editing our emails, documents and other writing assignments. Although it brings many challenges to software developers, we can expect this innovative technology to further develop itself, for a single reason: writing is among the most significant tools that help us communicating with others.
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Digital Exam Generators - A Bad Idea

There are several software programs available to teachers today that claim to digitally create standards based tests for teaching units that provide a variety of test question types. While this may be true, and it is quite amazing that these software programs exist, I do not recommend fully depending on any of these programs for testing purposes.
The problem with digital test generators is many of these programs offer a very biased approach to testing on a particular unit. While subjects such as Math or Science may not suffer as greatly from such bias, content areas like English and Social Studies tests that are created offer test questions by the creator that are often very one sided. To further explain, you have to have taught your unit to the test in order for your students to be successful, whether or not your interpretation of the material matches the test creator.
The problem that exists with subjective subjects as well is that students may have interpreted material to fit their own prior knowledge. Although they perhaps learned a new skill along the way such as a literary element for an important date in time, the factual material is not always all that s tested on. Studies show that in these digitally generated tests, students usually perform quite well when tested on hard, tangible material but often do quite poorly on comprehension type questions, not because they don t comprehend the question but because their interpretation of the material does not match that of the test generators.
Teachers should not fully rely on these test generators to create tests for students. A variety of personally written questions combined with the test generated questions would be the best alternative. There are most certainly questions that these software programs generate that are extremely well written. Combining teacher written questions along with the software programs will offer a more valid test as teacher questions can reflect a certain aspect of the unit while the test generators questions can offer another point of view.
Another program that has recently caught the attention of teachers is essay graders. While the test generators can truly be useful to creating more well-rounded tests, I urge all educators to avoid essay graders, at least with the current programs available. A number of colleagues and I conducted an experiment using our textbooks essay grading software a couple of years ago (the same software the company still promotes today). The program picked up on all spelling errors and many grammatical errors but failed to identify issues with essay organization, content, and most importantly plagiarism identification. Granted, the program was likely not designed to go so into depth with grading an essay, its short-comings are quite noticeable. Perhaps in the future, these programs will gain a bit more credibility, but for the time being, you re better off just grading your own essays!
As technology continues to develop on a day-to-day basis, the issues with these programs will likely disappear. For now, it is best to still rely on yourself and what you know you ve taught your students to create solid and credible tests and accurately grade student essays.
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Writing for Your Readers' Brains

Have you been toying with the idea of writing a blog or articles and experiencing some trepidation? Or, perhaps you are already an author and want to elevate your performance levels. Constructing your articles and blogs to appeal to the diverse ways your readers' brains are wired will give you the "razor's edge." The following practical neuroscience principles and methods help you get started on your authorship pathway, improve your communication skills, and attract more followers. This applies regardless of whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional.
1. Be passionate about your subject matter
Passion about your subject matter keeps you motivated, focused and engaged. Your brain likes to receive rewards and benefits from what it engages in. Establish the benefits from authorship for you and your audience. The desire to share and expand your knowledge, coupled with helping others improve their quality of life, is the best scenario for all parties. Commitment to quality authorship is a two-sided coin; as you learn and grow, your readers benefit as well.
2. Focus on the readers' interests, not yours
Your readers are drawn to subjects that interest them and authors who have their best interests in mind. Sticking with your expertise and core competencies will build trust and confidence. They, like you, want to receive value from the time they spend learning and educating themselves. The following questions will help you stay on track:
  • Am I focusing on the reader's needs or mine?
  • Would I want to read this article?
  • Are there helpful application ideas and actions steps for my reader?
3. Construct your article to reach all sensory and cognitive processing styles
Approximately 57% of your audience has Kinesthetic as their primary sensory preference; they are into "doing" and typically have short attention spans for sitting and reading long articles. Visual learners constitute 34% of people; they pay attention to graphics, layout, and how things look. The remaining 9% are Auditory learners; they process the meaning of words and play them back internally to make sense of them.
The other half of the learning equation is how people prefer to process and think about sensory input. Approximately 60% of the population leans towards Sequential thinking; they are attracted to logic, order, organization, realism, practicality and content. Global thinkers make up the remaining 40% of your audience; they are imaginative and like to jump around looking for patterns, ideas and possibilities.
Given your audience's diverse preferences for receiving and processing information, the following practical neuroscience techniques will help you write more appealing and effective articles.
  • Use graphic images: The images should pertain to the subject matter and be colorful and interesting. This will appeal to nearly everyone, particularly Visual learners.
  • Keep your article in the 400 - 800 word range: Short articles help you focus on key points; they are quicker to read, especially for Kinesthetic learners.
  • Have someone edit your articles: Editing acts as a quality control check on readability, layout and grammar. This improves your credibility with Auditory/Visual learners and Sequential thinkers.
  • Use Key Points with minimal text: Bold key points will appeal to nearly everyone, providing context, order and content. This approach appeals to Kinesthetic learners interested in spending a minimum of time reading; Visual learners scan for what appeals to them; Auditory learners glean meaning from the key words and related text; Global thinkers get the "big picture;" and the Sequential thinkers will look for the facts and logic behind the key words.
In conclusion, anyone passionate about a subject can successfully communicate their wisdom and experience to the general public, particularly with use of these practical neuroscience techniques. Constructing your articles and blogs to appeal to the diverse ways your audience's brains are wired to receive information gives you the "razor's edge."
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